An assignment operator assigns a value to its left operand based on the value of its right operand : example ` x = y`;
A comparison operator compares its operands and returns a logical value based on whether the comparison is true. example var2 > var1
An arithmetic operator takes numerical values as their operands and returns a single numerical value .example : 1 / 2;
A bitwise operator treats their operands as a set of 32 bits (zeros and ones). example:
a & b
Logical operators are typically used with Boolean (logical) values .
example : expr1 && expr2
example : var mystring = 'alpha';
evaluates both of its operands and returns the value of the last operand .
delete The delete operator deletes an object’s property. The syntax is: ` delete;`
in The in operator returns true if the specified property is in the specified object.
Loops offer a quick and easy way to do something repeatedly. This chapter of the JavaScript Guide introduces the different iteration statements available to JavaScript.
A for loop repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false. The JavaScript for loop is similar to the Java and C for loop.
for ([initialExpression]; [conditionExpression]; [incrementExpression])
The do…while statement repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false.
` statement`
while (condition);
A while statement executes its statements as long as a specified condition evaluates to true.
while (condition)
## 4-break statement Use the break statement to terminate a loop, switch, or in conjunction with a labeled statement.
break [label];
The for…in statement iterates a specified variable over all the enumerable properties of an object.
for (variable in object)
` statement`