

● Ordered lists are lists where each item in the list is numbered. For example, the list might be a set of steps for a recipe that must be performed in order, or a legal contract where each point needs to be identified by a section number.

● Unordered lists are lists that begin with a bullet point (rather than characters that indicate order). ` <ul>`

● Definition lists are made up of a set of terms along with the definitions for each of those terms. <dl>

you can nest list inside each other


CSS treats each HTML element as if it lives in its own box.

The most popular ways to specify the size of a box are to use pixels,percentages, or ems

Designers have recently started to use percentages and ems more for measurements as they try to create designs that are flexible across devices which have different-sized screens.

1- width and height :

min-width, max-width ,min-height, max-height

These are very helpful properties to ensure that the content of pages are legible (especially on the smaller screens of handheld devices).

## 2- overflow: (tells the browser what to do if the content contained within a box is larger than the box itself.)

hidden This property simply hides any extra content that does not fit in the box.

scroll This property adds a scrollbar to the box so that users can scroll to see the missing content.

3- Border

Every box has a border (even if it is not visible or is specified to be 0 pixels wide). The border separates the edge of one box from another.

4- Margin

Margins sit outside the edge of the border. You can set the width of a margin to create a gap between the borders of two adjacent boxes.

5- Padding

Padding is the space between the border of a box and any content contained within it. Adding padding can increase the readability of its contents.

If you want to center a box on the page (or center it inside the element that it sits in), you can set the left-margin and right-margin to auto.

6- display:

The display property allows you to turn an inline element into a block-level element or vice versa.

This causes a block-level element to act like an inline element.

7- visibility

border-image :

The border-image property applies an image to the border of any box. It takes a background image and slices it into nine pieces.

This property requires three pieces of information:

1: The URL of the image

2: Where to slice the image

3: What to do with the straight edges; the possible values are: stretch stretches the image repeat repeats the image round like repeat but if the tiles do not fit exactly, scales the tile image so they will.



is a special type of variable. It doesn’t just store one value; it stores a list of values colors= ['white','black','custom'];

To access a value from an array, after the array name you specify the index number for that value inside square brackets.


EVALUATIONS You can analyze values in your scripts to determine whether or note they match expected results.


DECISIONS Using the results of evaluations, you can decide which path your script should go down.

LOOPS There are also many occasions where you will want to perform the same set of steps repeatedly.

There are three types of loop: for, while, and do … while. Each repeats a set of statements

## break This keyword causes the termination of the loop and tells the interpreter to go onto the next statement of code outside of the loop. (You may also see it used in functions.)


This keyword te lls the interpreter to continue with the current iteration, and then check the condition again. (If it is true, the code runs again.)