

Common Terminology

Traversing a tree

The most common way to traverse through a tree is to use recursion

Traversing a tree allows us to search for a node, print out the contents of a tree, and much more! There are two categories of traversals.

** The biggest difference between each of the traversals is when you are looking at the root node.**

## Depth First ( prioritize going through the depth (height) of the tree first.)

## ** methods for depth first traversal:**

Pre-order: root >> left >> right


ALGORITHM preOrder(root)
// INPUT <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- pre-order output of tree node's values

    OUTPUT <-- root.value

    if root.left is not Null

    if root.right is not NULL

In-order: left >> root >> right


ALGORITHM inOrder(root)
// INPUT <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- in-order output of tree node's values

    if root.left is not NULL

    OUTPUT <-- root.value

    if root.right is not NULL

Post-order: left >> right >> root


ALGORITHM postOrder(root)
// INPUT <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- post-order output of tree node's values

    if root.left is not NULL

    if root.right is not NULL

    OUTPUT <-- root.value


Pre-order means that the root has to be looked at first

Breadth First

iterates through the tree by going through each level of the tree node-by-node.

uses a queue (instead of the call stack via recursion) to traverse the width/breadth of the tree. Let’s break down the process.

**output is [A, B, C, D, E, F]


``` ALGORITHM breadthFirst(root) // INPUT  <-- root node // OUTPUT <-- front node of queue to console

Queue breadth <– new Queue() breadth.enqueue(root)

while breadth.peek() node front = breadth.dequeue() OUTPUT <– front.value

if front.left is not NULL

if front.right is not NULL

Binary Tree Vs K-ary Trees

Binary Trees restrict the number of children to two (hence our left and right children).

If Nodes are able have more than 2 child nodes, we call the tree that contains them a K-ary Tree.

Traversing a K-ary

equires a similar approach to the breadth first traversal. but we are now moving down a list of children of length k, instead of checking for the presence of a left and a right child.

Output: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H


’’’ ALGORITHM breadthFirst(root) // INPUT <– root node // OUTPUT <– front node of queue to console

Queue breadth <– new Queue() breadth.enqueue(root)

while breadth.peek() node front = breadth.dequeue() OUTPUT <– front.value

for child in front.children
    breadth.enqueue(child) '''

Adding a node

Because there are no structural rules for where nodes are “supposed to go” in a binary tree, it really doesn’t matter where a new node gets placed.

In the event you would like to have a node placed in a specific location, you need to reference both the new node to create, and the parent node upon which the child is attached to.

A “perfect” binary tree is one where every non-leaf node has exactly two children

Big O

The Big O time complexity for inserting a new node is O(n). Searching for a specific node will also be O(n)

Binary Search Trees

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a type of tree that does have some structure attached to it

nodes are organized in a manner where all values that are smaller than the root are placed to the left, and all values that are larger than the root are placed to the right.

Searching a BST

Searching a BST can be done quickly, because all you do is compare the node you are searching for against the root of the tree or sub-tree.

ex: If the value is smaller, you only traverse the left side. If the value is larger, you only traverse the right side.

the Big O time complexity of a Binary Search Tree’s insertion and search operations is O(h), or O(height)

more info about trees