
Machine learning

Machine learning is the practice of teaching computers how to learn patterns from data, often for making decisions or predictions.

is not about algorithms.

Machine learning is a comprehensive approach to solving problems and individual algorithms are only one piece of the puzzle. The rest of the puzzle is how you apply them the right way.

Key Terminology

Model - a set of patterns learned from data.

Algorithm - a specific ML process used to train a model.

Training data - the dataset from which the algorithm learns the model.

Test data - a new dataset for reliably evaluating model performance.

Features - Variables (columns) in the dataset used to train the model.

Target variable - A specific variable you’re trying to predict.

Observations - Data points (rows) in the dataset.

Machine Learning Tasks

you should first pick the right machine learning task for the job.

categories of tasks:

1- Supervised Learning

tasks for “labeled” data (i.e. you have a target variable).

Each observation must be labeled with a “correct answer.”

Only then can you build a predictive model because you must tell the algorithm what’s “correct” while training it (hence, “supervising” it).

Regression is the task for modeling continuous target variables.

Classification is the task for modeling categorical (a.k.a. “class”) target variables.

2- Unsupervised Learning

tasks for “unlabeled” data (i.e. you do not have a target variable).

Unlabeled data has no predetermined “correct answer.”

You’ll allow the algorithm to directly learn patterns from the data (without “supervision”).

Clustering is the most common unsupervised learning task, and it’s for finding groups within your data.

The 3 Elements of Great Machine Learning

1- human guidance

2- clean, relevant data

3- avoid overfitting

The Blueprint

There are 5 core steps:

1-Exploratory Analysis

First, “get to know” the data. This step should be quick, efficient, and decisive.

2-Data Cleaning

Then, clean your data to avoid many common pitfalls. Better data beats fancier algorithms.

3-Feature Engineering

Next, help your algorithms “focus” on what’s important by creating new features.

4-Algorithm Selection

Choose the best, most appropriate algorithms without wasting your time.

5-Model Training

Finally, train your models. This step is pretty formulaic once you’ve done the first 4.

Exploratory Analysis

The purpose of exploratory analysis is to “get to know” the dataset.

exploratory analysis for machine learning should be quick, efficient, and decisive… not long and drawn out!

Plot Numerical Distributions

Plot Categorical Distributions

Categorical features cannot be visualized through histograms. Instead, you can use bar plots.

Study Correlations

Positive correlation means that as one feature increases, the other increases. E.g. a child’s age and her height.

Negative correlation means that as one feature increases, the other decreases. E.g. hours spent studying and number of parties attended.

Correlations near -1 or 1 indicate a strong relationship.

Those closer to 0 indicate a weak relationship.

0 indicates no relationship.

Data Cleaning

Better data beats fancier algorithms.

proper data cleaning can make or break your project. Professional data scientists usually spend a very large portion of their time on this step

Better data beats fancier algorithms.

commonly recommended ways of dealing with missing data

For missing numeric data, you should flag and fill the values.

Flag the observation with an indicator variable of missingness.

Then, fill the original missing value with 0 just to meet the technical requirement of no missing values.

Feature Engineering

creating new input features from your existing ones.

This is often one of the most valuable tasks a data scientist can do to improve model performance, for 3 big reasons:

Sparse classes (in categorical features) are those that have very few total observations. They can be problematic for certain machine learning algorithms, causing models to be overfit.

Add Dummy Variables

Dummy variables are a set of binary (0 or 1) variables that each represent a single class from a categorical feature.

Unused features are those that don’t make sense to pass into our machine learning algorithms.

The key is choosing machine learning algorithms that can automatically select the best features among many options (built-in feature selection).

There are 3 common types of regularized linear regression algorithms:

How to Train ML Models

1-Split Dataset

Training sets are used to fit and tune your models. Test sets are put aside as “unseen” data to evaluate your models.


There are two types of parameters in machine learning algorithms.

1-Model parameters

2- Hyperparameters


is a method for getting a reliable estimate of model performance using only your training data.

Select Winning Model