
What occured during the same time as the beginning of the decline of women in computer sciene?

The share of women in computer science started falling at roughly the same moment when personal computers started showing up in U.S. homes in significant numbers.

Why does it matter that males had been playing on computers growing up?

because the male classmates were way ahead of females because they’d grown up playing with computers.

What three take-a-ways do you have looking at this data?

that white people takes the the majority of congress that white people takes the the majority of working apportunity in top 50 compenys

that white people holdes the majority of fortuine in the us

When are diversity efforts most successful?

when they’re driven by a commitment from company leaders. And meaningful commitment requires leaders to understand why diversity matters.

Why do diverse companies perform better?

diversity offers significant benefits for teams focused on creativity and innovation.

## Give an example of how a diverse company can serve a diverse user base or vise-versa. a 2003 study looking at 177 banks across the U.S., researchers found that for banks focused on innovation, racial diversity was clearly tied to better financial performance. Research also links gender representation at the executive and board level with better company performance.