
elational Database non-relational or distributed database
table based databases document based, key-value pairs
have predefined schema dynamic schema
vertically scalable horizontally scalable.
structured query language queries are focused on collection of documents

What kind of data is a good fit for an SQL database?


Give a real world example?


## What kind of data is a good fit a NoSQL database? collection of key-value pair, documents, graph databases or wide-column stores

## Give a real world example. MongoDB

Which type of database is best for hierarchical data storage?

SQL databases

Which type of database is best for scalability?

SQL databases

What does SQL stand for?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language which is the best programming language held in relational database management system.

What is a realational database?

elational Database Design Process Define the Purpose of the Database

What type of structure does a relational database work with?


What is a ‘schema’?

collection of database objects linked with a particular database username.

What is a NoSQL database?


How does it work?

NoSQL is particularly useful for storing unstructured data, which is growing far more rapidly than structured data and does not fit the relational schemas of RDBMS.

What is inside of a Mongo database?

a database contains the collections of documents.

## Which is more flexible - SQL or MongoDB? and why? MongoDB is capable of handling large unstructured datasets

## What is the disadvantage of a NoSQL database? Less need for ETL Support for unstructured text Ability to handle change over time. No reliance on SQL magic. Ability to scale horizontally on commodity hardware. . Breadth of functionality. Support for multiple data structures