
What is a ‘call’?

The call stack is primarily used for function invocation (call). Since the call stack is single.

How many ‘calls’ can happen at once?

one call

What does LIFO mean?

the call stack, operates by the data structure principle of Last In, First Out, it means that the last function that gets pushed into the stack is the first to be pop out, when the function returns.

Draw an example of a call stack and the functions that would need to be invoked to generate that call stack.

What causes a Stack Overflow?

there is a recursive function (a function that calls itself) without an exit point.

# JavaScript error messages

## What is a ‘refrence error’? when you try to use a variable that is not yet declared you get this type os errors.

## What is a ‘syntax error’? when you have something that cannot be parsed in terms of syntax

## What is a ‘range error’? give the array an invalid length

## What is a ‘tyep error’?

when the types (number, string and so on) you are trying to use or access are incompatible,

## What is a breakpoint?

make your program stop at that point only if a condition is met.

## What does the word ‘debugger’ do in your code? check it for errors