1-What does .map() return? returns the elemnts of the array after making a modification on it
2-Each list item needs a unique? Keys
3- If I want to loop through an array and display each value in JSX, how do I do that in React?
JSX allows embedding any expression in curly braces so we could inline the map()
4- What is the purpose of a key?
key is unique value used to help browser and developer fnd the difference or the modification that happened to the comoponent tree faster.
1- What is the spread operator?
ellipsis of three dots (…) to expand an iterable object into the list of arguments.
2- List 4 things that the spread operator can do?
Copying an array
Concatenating or combining arrays
Using Math functions
Using an array as arguments
Adding an item to a list
3-Give an example of using the spread operator to combine two arrays?
let array1=[1,2,3];
let array2=[1,2,3];
let theArr=[..arr1,...arr2];
4-Give an example of using the spread operator to add a new item to an array?
let array1=[1,2,3];
let number=5;
let theArr=[num,...arr2]
5-Give an example of using the spread operator to combine two objects into one?
let object1={};
let object2={};
let object={...obj1,...obj2}
1- In the video, what is the first step that the developer does to pass functions between components?
define the function inside the parent and pass it to the child as a prop
2- n your own words, what does the increment function do?
recive a name and match with the objects names in the state to find a matching name and update the value of count to that object
3-How can you pass a method from a parent component into a child component?
you can pass it as a prop
4-How does the child component invoke a method that was passed to it from a parent component?
by calling the prop that holds the function inside the child function